Identifying your business
A Federal Tax ID Number or Employer Identification Number (EIN), is basically a Social Security Number for a business. The IRS uses it to identify a business, and it must be included on all your business tax filings. Also, banks typically require an EIN in order to open a business bank account. Other companies that you do business with may also require that your business provide an EIN number in order to pay any of your invoices.
If you currently operate your business as a sole proprietorship or general partnership and want to incorporate or form an LLC, you must obtain a new Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) for your business.
How it Works
- Xpress Office Solutions obtains your Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) from the IRS on behalf of your business. This service is included in our Complete Incorporation Service or can be added to the Basic and Standard Incorporation Services. It can also be purchased as a stand-alone service.
- Turn-around. The typical turn-around time for this service is 2-3 days after we receive approval of your incorporation filing from the state.
- Available online. Once Xpress Office Solutions receives the Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) from the IRS, your EIN will be made available within our Online Status Center and emailed to you.
- Please note the IRS may require additional information which may lengthen the time to obtain your EIN. We will contact you with next steps if this happens.
Key Benefits
Obtaining an EIN is one of the first steps most business owners take after incorporation, since an EIN is typically required to open a business bank account, and is also required on federal tax filings.
Steps to Take After Incorporation
Keep in Mind
Some states also require companies to have a state tax identification number in addition to the EIN. With our Deluxe Incorporation Service, Xpress Office Solutions provides you with the appropriate state form to complete in states that have this requirement.
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